So, if you are looking to have at least one dozen eggs per week, you are going to need to keep a minimum of 4 Brahma hens. Click here to read more about Purely Poultry and what they can offer you. Let’s take a look at where the Brahma started its journey and just how it came to be such a big family favorite. As Brahmas are large chickens, they tend to eat more than regular chickens. Although they are very large and in charge, they will be quite content in an adequate-sized coop and will tolerate children faffing over them (I know from experience). Generally speaking, a coop for your Brahmas will need at least 4 square feet (a third of a square meter) of space per chicken in which to roam freely. What is my reason for wanting to keep chickens? He would have to be shipped. Our poultry expert will contact you soon. However, the hens are always docile and will get on well with any other pets you may have. This makes them a good choice for an urban or suburban setting. Plus, they are truly calm by nature! The Brahama comes second to the Jersery Giant, which is the biggest chicken breed in the world, standing up to 26 inches or 66cm. However, most are around 10lbs. The article goes into detail on each and every one of the gigantic chicken breeds that exist and provides a wonderful comparative guide so that you can decide which ones interest you the most, which are the most impressive or simply, which ones you’d like to make a part of your happy backyard flock. They consume approximately 170g of feed per day and might need more in terms of protein and calcium supplements as well. Suddenly, everyone wanted Brahmas! Scratching: It is one of the chicken’s most natural behaviors to scratch. Brahma chicken hatcheries and breeders. This is, of course, quite understandable but these characteristics do mean that they have slightly different needs than other chickens may have. The giant chicken breed. Do Brahma chickens work well in a mixed breed flock? Thank you for your patience. If you are letting your Brahma hatch her own chicks, be sure to check on them as the size of the Brahma can cause her to trample either her eggs or the chicks. Yes. Don’t force it as this can be stressful to both parties. Do I Need a Rooster in My Backyard Flock? The Light Brahma rooster looks very similar to its female counterpart, although larger in size with more prominent leg and tail feathers. Mud that cakes in the foot feathering can cause problems or infection, and snow or ice that accumulate in the feathers can cause frostbite on the foot. Do you want to keep chickens for eggs and how many eggs do you want from your flock? We will also discuss the differences between the Light Brahma chicken, the Buff Brahma chicken and the Dark Brahma chicken and compare the Brahma chicken size against standard and bantam hens and eggs (because we know you’re just itching to see that)! If you want a very large chicken that is friendly and likes a cuddle and will still produce a fair amount of eggs for you – the Brahma is the right choice. They are a passionate group of people that will point you in the right direction to obtain your very own Brahmas. This can be difficult to spot from a distance due to the dense feathering, so regularly inspections are necessary. Do I already own other chickens? There are fool-proof ways of sexing chicks including vent or DNA sexing but that is often very costly and not accessible to all. To get you going, I have listed out a few of my favorites, and some that were sent to me by other Brahma mamas. Brahma chickens can be intimidating due to the sheer size of them, especially to children or people who are naturally a little apprehensive of birds. Only members of the club will be published in the Breeder Directory. Brahma roosters are significantly larger than the girls by approximately 25%. However, keep in mind that each individual chicken has its own tiny brain full of likes and dislikes just like you and me, so while one person's chickens may come running for pumpkin or watermelon, another person's chickens may turn their pointy little beaks up at it. But if you’re interested in birds that are large and in charge, the Brahma is but one of many giant chicken breeds. In many breeds of chickens, sexing the babies – that means being able to tell if it’s a hen or a rooster – isn’t always possible at a very early age. Please wait... Common Questions about the Brahma Chicken, Brahma Chicken Owners Feedback and Reviews, How to choose a healthy Brahma chicken 27, Origin, Background and History of the Brahma Chicken. You should only invest in Brahmas if you can set aside extra time every week to perform health checks on your chickens. Buff (caramel) with black detailing on hackles, feet and tailfeathers. “Bigger than I thought! They also ship live birds nationwide. However, what if you’d like to start off with your Brahma flock at an earlier stage of their life? Either way, some people on the internet who don't know much about chickens were a little frightened to find out one this big exists. This American bred bird is incredibly popular all over the world - not... You have yourself a lovely flock of girls- they get along harmoniously, you collect their delicious fresh produce each and every morning- everything is going... Australorps are a favourite in Australian backyards - and there’s plenty of good reasons why they are so popular. However, they are very large and because of this can be intimidating especially to small children or people that are scared of birds. A giant stepping out of a coop. The Brahma chickens lay medium to large eggs. Their size is perhaps their most distinguishing feature, apart from the feathered feet. Shiny and Full Feathered: If your chicken already has their feathers, check that they are all present and shiny. After all, this decision is for life, so you are going to want to pick names that you love. Standing at 16 – 26 inches (40 – 66cm) tall and weighing in at a colossal 15 pounds (7.5kg) for the roosters, the Jersey Giant is today believed to be the biggest and heaviest chicken breed. Cackle Hatchery is a family-owned and -operated hatchery that offers more than 200 chicken breeds for sale, including our beloved Brahmas. Children are sometimes intimidated by the size of the Brahma, but they are the gentlest giants you’ll ever come across. This article will answer all your burning questions, including: Is the Brahma really a ‘Giant Chicken’? But if you do choose to have roosters – introduce them to the family as early on as possible in a well-controlled and supervised environment. Vaccinations: If you are buying from a breeder, ask them if they have a record of the chick’s vaccinations and ask to see a certificate. Beacause of their size, it's a good idea to have plenty of space for housing. The Brahma chicken – the gentle giant of your chicken coop. Things you will need to specifically consider are coop door sizes, perches, roosts, overall coop strength and the size of the nesting boxes. Wanted: Light Or Buff Brahma Rooster I need a young brahma rooster buff or light will be fine. A strikingly beautiful specimen, the Light Brahma chicken is a monochrome contrast in black, white and grey. We were going over the basics like Cornish crosses, Rhode Island Reds and other really common breeds. A Brahma hen will lay large to extra-large eggs (52g – 66g+). Their small pea comb, great size, and heavy plumage make them almost immune to cold weather. After that – they’ll regularly produce your breakfast for up to two years when their production will naturally start to decline, the same as any other layer hen. However, this is rare, only applicable to roosters and will depend on the breeder. Depending on your expectations for eggs, Brahmas can be considered not to be one of the most prolific layers. Brahma chicken is of a large breed, good for its meat quality. Why? September 04, 2020, by Kassandra Smith But this breed’s benefits don’t stop there. I will now take you through the specific care Brahmas need, so that you have all the information you need in order to succeed with your fantastically large feathery friends. Click here to read it now. For free gifts, discount codes, and loads more entertaining information. If you want to be completely safe, opt for a female-only flock. Brahma are gentle giants with feathered legs and feet and profuse, fluffy feathering. But sometimes it is possible, just by looking at the chick from a distance, to tell the hens apart from the roosters at a very young age. Clean Bum: A chicken’s vent area should be clean and dry. There’s several different varieties of this chicken breed, including: However, if you have an aggressive breed you might want to keep a close eye on them for a while as Brahmas won’t stand up for themselves if bullied by other birds and in this way can get hurt. The below are just a few suggestions of reputable sources for you to have a look at. But just who do we have to thank for bringing this giant ball of love into our lives? Returns, Replacements, Refunds & Warranties. Click here to view it now! Now that you are aware of their feeding and housing requirements, let’s take a look at the general healthcare requirements of the Brahma chicken and whether or not they’ll adapt to your area’s climate. The Brahma has one of the most controversial histories of all the chicken breeds and it is also one of the oldest breeds still available today. On the one hand, these charming chaps can be a huge benefit in keeping your flock... To keep chickens happy, healthy and laying bounties of delicious eggs, they need to be fed a varied diet rich in protein and calcium- most... It’s morning! Avoid chickens that are hunched or spend too much time sitting in one spot. Their beaks are short and strong and they have a pea comb. The Dark Brahma chicken is slow to mature but are gentle and make good mothers. Brahmas are very large, stately, docile birds who make good reliable broodies which can cover a large number of eggs due to their size. You can extend your Brahmas’ lifespan by ongoing attentive care. The Buff Brahma rooster looks very similar to the hen albeit larger in size with a longer tail and a more upright stance. Do Brahma chickens mix well with other pets? Maximum Size: 10 lbs. There are some chicken diseases and illnesses that have no cure and can mean the loss of your entire bird stock if they get it. Due to the small scale of this breeder, you won’t always find live birds available, but throughout the year there are live birds and hatching eggs for sale. They offer you the ability to buy live baby chicks, fertile hatching eggs and chicken supplies! You’ve probably seen all the viral videos of giant Brahma roosters strutting their stuff, showcasing their size and stately figures and you’re not the only one – millions of people are in awe of these gorgeous guys! Their are various varieties, Light, dark and buff, they are all good winter layers of large brown coloured eggs. Download our FREE expert chicken health tips so you can have the healthiest chickens on the planet! They have been shipping day-old chicks straight to post offices since 1936 and have a reputation as a top-notch hatchery. You can also sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth in their coop regularly to avoid infestations. They offer rare and hard to find poultry breeds in addition to the popular commercial strains and that of course includes the wonderful Brahma. They stand head and shoulders not only above their hens, but any other chicken that might be wandering around your yard as well. Make sure that everything in the coop is the right size and sturdy enough for your big Brahma babies. This chicken breed lays brown eggs, although the shade can vary from layer to layer. Up until the 1930s these giant chickens were used for table fare due to their size, but they were quickly replaced with new broiler type birds once it was discovered that they couldn’t put on size and weight as quickly as regular-sized chickens. But if it is Brahma facts you want, then this is the most informative source for Brahma chicken enthusiasts on the web! Since the Brahma chicken’s feathering is very tight and dense all over their bodies, they are also more susceptible to mites and lice. Coccidiosis is a big killer of baby birds and chicks can be vaccinated for it. From the very start, they were regarded as one of the largest chickens in the country, and remain a favorite of those who prefer larger-bodied breeds today. Brahmas, although gentle giants, are usually fairly high in the pecking order of a mixed breed flock since most other hens seem to be intimidated by their size. I had to upgrade my coop which cost a lot of money.” Anita S – USA. Many people love the Brahma specifically because of their size and foot feathering. Brahmas are calm and quiet and will do well with most other pets. It’s a quiet, cool breed that is both flesh and egg-laying bird. Roosters: White heads and backs with black bellies, foot feathering and tailfeathers. Brahma chicken. They know that their customers sometimes only want to buy a few chicks of multiple breeds. It is one of the most rewarding experiences to raise young chicks to fully grown fowl – and it takes a surprisingly short amount of time and fairly little effort on your part. Although they aren’t particularly finicky birds, they do require relatively more care than the average chicken. They are happy to accommodate any size order and allow you to mix and match multiple breeds of the same poultry type so you can start your mixed-breed flock right here! Brahma hens are 66% larger than a standard hen but their eggs are 17% smaller than an average X-large egg of 2.2oz or 68g. Once seen, this splendid bird is unlikely to be forgotten since their size alone makes an impression on you. Instantly search over 500 articles using the search box below. Do I own any other pets? Cornish. However, because Brahmas are rather special, it is best to study up on some of their particular requirements. Male chicks will have a neat “all one length” feather pattern, while the females will show an alternating pattern of long and short feather sprouts. Their feathering is beautiful and they are very elegant birds. Behaviour. According to our Brahma chicken breed review system, the average score was 4.8/5 for recommending the Brahma chicken as a pet – so what are you waiting for? Nowadays Brahmas are kept as pets and egg layers in backyard flocks – although there are still those that use them for table fare. Gentle Giants! Styptic powder is a natural coagulant and you should be able to find it in a vet shop or pharmacy. Cold and dry weather is the best for the Brahma as their dense feathering makes them exceptionally cold-hardy and their small pea combs aren’t as susceptible to frostbite. Other than the above, the Brahma chicken will not require additional grooming other than the occasional inspection and perhaps cleaning of its foot feathers. Brahma chickens are like any other chicken – they love a good snack. To give you the facts, fast, I have put some of the primary characteristics into a table, so you can assess this beautiful beauty at a quick glance. They aren’t bullies to other chickens, so do well in mixed breed flocks and will happily forage around the garden if you let them. A Brahma chicken egg weighs 2oz or 56 grams. All it takes is a handful of treats and your Brahmas will soon learn to crawl into your lap for a cuddle. Chickens Waterfowl Turkeys Supplies WE ARE AMERICA’S INDUSTRY-LEADING HATCHERY, OFFERING MORE THAN 160 BREEDS OF POULTRY INCLUDING: CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, TURKEYS, GUINEAS, AND GAME BIRDS. They are located in Missouri and it is their mission to provide their buyers with quality purebred chickens. Black, blue-columbian, buff-columbian, dark, gold, light or white, More expensive to keep than regular chickens. Although not ranked as one of the broodiest breeds, it is good to know that they do have this tendency and might be more inclined to go broody than other standard breeds. The giant Brahma chicken is well-known for its bulk and recognized as King of Chickens. He currently still shows his Brahmas and they are stunning specimens. Related: giant brahma hatching eggs cochin hatching eggs orpington hatching eggs chicken hatching eggs wyandotte hatching eggs buff brahma hatching eggs brahmin handbags jersey giant hatching eggs incubator silkie hatching eggs ayam cemani hatching eggs phoenix hatching eggs You should consider your other family members if opting for Brahmas, and if they are intimidated by the chicken’s size, allow them the necessary time to get to know these gentle giants of the poultry world. According to the University of Illinois, this larger than life bird is an old breed and its roots can be traced as far back as China in the mid eighteenth century. By acquiring your Brahmas as chicks, you also have a better opportunity to bond with them should you want them to be cuddly pets when grown. And how will their temperaments mix with your other chicken children? Nesting boxes can be made out of anything from wooden boxes to crates, and should be lined with a dust-free bedding that gets cleaned on a fairly regular basis. The Brahma chicken will yield on average 150 eggs, annually, which equates to approximately 3 eggs per hen, per week. Alan’s Brahmas was started by an individual with a passion for the breed. This is a list of almost everything you can and can’t feed a Brahma chicken. If the hatchery or breeder is selling the chicks as straight-run, that means they are selling them unsexed and you are bound to end up with a rooster or two in the bunch. The hens are predominantly grey with penciling on their body feathers and black lacing on their hackle, or neck, feathers. They lay nice brown eggs and are winter hardy. Hens: Grey with black penciling. Just click the Request Help button and fill in the form. Do I have the time to take care of my Brahmas? For now, feel free to continue reading. As all chickens do, Brahmas require daily feeding and fresh, clean water that is available at all times. My Brahmas really are huggable. Compared to hens who can come in at 13lbs. In addition to this, Brahmas will need a roost that is not too far off the ground. It is possible to tell a Buff Brahma rooster chick apart from a hen because the rooster will have a much lighter coloring down than the hen. Light Brahmas are large, white-feathered chickens with black hackle feathers tipped in white, black tail feathers and heavily feathered shanks and toes. Their feathers, edged in white from the perches to the sheer size of the eggs-citing! Much as 14 pounds, while the … the American Brahma Club is currently updating page. Recognized as King of chickens for eggs and chicken SUPPLIES old enough to plenty... 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