My Personal Learning Style Learning has been going on since the beginning of human kind and is still going on in today’s world. According to scientific research, it has been observed that a child’s productivity at school will increase when the Dunn & Dunn method is applied. However, it has to be acknowledged that identification of learning styles of each individual employee is a challenging task and therefore this strategy needs to be applied only in relation to key members of the workforce. Teachers often refer to these differences as learning styles , though this term may imply that students are more consistent across situations than is really the case. The visual learning style is considered to be a “process through which students gain knowledge . What are learning styles, and why do teachers identify them? Considering a Range of Factors That Impact Learning. When carrying out health promotion activities, it is critical to understand different audiences' learning styles for the health promotion message to change the behaviors and influence people positively effectively (Hmedna et al., 2017). Embracing Individual Learning Styles For Effective Learning. Different learning styles include 7 types of learners such as visual-spatial learner, aural-auditory learner, verbal-linguistic learner, physical-kinesthetic learner, logical-mathematical learner, social-interpersonal learner, and solitary-intrapersonal learner. By doing so we can greatly improve the user experience on an individual level. Here are a few tips for how to be successful in this worthwhile endeavor. Educators need to focus their instruction based on individual differences in learning styles. However, people will respond differently to certain teaching methods. A learning style is “an individual’s mode of gaining knowledge” (, 2012). Some argue that the lack of evidence means that learning styles don’t exist. Learning style may be defined as the way people come to understand and remember information. Individual styles of learning and thinking All of us, including our students, have preferred ways of learning. And knowing yourself as a learner is important if you want to achieve to the best of your ability. Now we study how we learn so that we can hopefully learn more efficiently to accomplish things beyond our wildest dreams. Here, we take a […] For learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. What Are Learning Styles? The College Puzzle. Individual Learning Styles The purpose of this research paper is to examine learning styles theories to determine if teaching students to use their own particular learning style can help ail them in increased educational success. Many teachers believe that assessing learning styles and teaching to learners’ preferences will improve learning. Many theories share the proposition that humans can be classified according to their 'style' of learning, but differ in how the proposed styles should be defined, categorized and assessed. And yet others learn best when you show them pictures of the concept they are learning. Learn about the physical, cognitive, social and moral development of students in detail to gain a greater understanding of student development and diversity. Visual learners prefer to take in information by seeing and often process it in pictorial form. While in the beginning they did not study how they learned they still accomplished many things. : 8 A common concept is that individuals differ in how they learn. Learning Your Team: Identifying Learning Styles for Better Training Today’s economy demands that businesses and workers alike continuously learn and apply new information to remain competitive . Many different Learning Styles models were developed, but even the most popular ones have now been called into question. Many agree … Learning styles refer to a range of competing and contested theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. Accordingly, I’ve reframed some of the most common learning styles as … Carried further, teaching to different learning styles suggests that “all people have the potential to learn effectively and easily if only instruction is tailored to their individual learning styles” (p. 107). There are various approaches to describing how people learn, and most of the concepts between the approaches overlap in some way.In a nutshell, learning styles are based on the concept that everyone learns differently and that curriculum should be presented in a variety of ways to facilitate individual learning styles. It describes learners as Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic and describes how you prefer to take in information.. One obstacle that many instructors—whether they’re in primary schooling, advanced graduate education, or training in the workplace— run into is getting through to an audience with a variety of learning styles. Learning Styles and Their Effect on Student Learning Abstract The fact that every student has their own unique learning style should be understood and addressed by all instructors. Do you ever notice how some kids remember things effortlessly if you teach them using a song? It is important for any individual to know their own learning style but it is especially important for the auditory learner because of many factors that will be discussed further. By doing so we can greatly improve the user experience on an individual level. Topic: Individual Learning Styles | es - 1404 - … Honey, P. & Mumford, A. There are two other challenges related to individual learning-style methodologies and their effectiveness: 1) “pigeonholing” and; 2) student self-reporting. This alone lends credence to the theory of learning styles.