Correlation quantifies the relationship between two random variables and has only three specific values, i.e., 1, 0, and -1. Usually, high variance in a feature is seen as not so good quality. 10. Pandas profiling is a step to find the effective number of usable data. In pattern recognition, The information retrieval and classification in machine learning are part of precision. Some of real world examples are as given below. Load all the data into an array. Popularity based recommendation, content-based recommendation, user-based collaborative filter, and item-based recommendation are the popular types of recommendation systems. For high variance in the models, the performance of the model on the validation set is worse than the performance on the training set. This lack of dependence between two attributes of the same class creates the quality of naiveness.Read more about Naive Bayes. Answer: Option D It also includes MCQ questions on designing knowledge-based AI systems. With KNN, we predict the label of the unidentified element based on its nearest neighbour and further extend this approach for solving classification/regression-based problems. Remove highly correlated predictors from the model. Certainly, many techniques in machine learning derive from the e orts of psychologists to make more precise their theories of animal and human learning through computational models. In Under Sampling, we reduce the size of the majority class to match minority class thus help by improving performance w.r.t storage and run-time execution, but it potentially discards useful information. Low values meaning ‘far’ and high values meaning ‘close’. 3. Both precision and recall are therefore based on an understanding and measure of relevance. This data is referred to as out of bag data. These can be specified exclusively with values in Grid Search to hyper tune a Logistic Classifier. Chain rule for Bayesian probability can be used to predict the likelihood of the next word in the sentence. Subscribe to Interview Questions. Classify a news article about technology, politics, or sports? 14. Ans. A Time series is a sequence of numerical data points in successive order. Book you may be … – These are the correctly predicted negative values. If gamma is too large, the radius of the area of influence of the support vectors only includes the support vector itself and no amount of regularization with C will be able to prevent overfitting. The most important features which one can tune in decision trees are: Ans. If we are able to map the data into higher dimensions – the higher dimension may give us a straight line. This process is crucial to understand the correlations between the “head” words in the syntactic read more…, Which of the following architecture can be trained faster and needs less amount of training data. Where W is a matrix of learned weights, b is a learned bias vector that shifts your scores, and x is your input data. What is Marginalization? You need to extract features from this data before supplying it to the algorithm. It occurs when a function is too closely fit to a limited set of data points and usually ends with more parameters read more…. The values of hash functions are stored in data structures which are known hash table. Bayes’ Theorem describes the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. programs that improve or adapt their performance on a certain task or group of tasks over time. Limitations of Fixed basis functions are: Inductive Bias is a set of assumptions that humans use to predict outputs given inputs that the learning algorithm has not encountered yet. Now,Recall, also known as Sensitivity is the ratio of true positive rate (TP), to all observations in actual class – yesRecall = TP/(TP+FN), Precision is the ratio of positive predictive value, which measures the amount of accurate positives model predicted viz a viz number of positives it claims.Precision = TP/(TP+FP), Accuracy is the most intuitive performance measure and it is simply a ratio of correctly predicted observation to the total observations.Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN). 1 • Xiaoying Zhuang. Conversion of data into binary values on the basis of certain threshold is known as binarizing of data. Hence bagging is utilised where multiple decision trees are made which are trained on samples of the original data and the final result is the average of all these individual models. It serves as a tool to perform the tradeoff. Algorithms necessitate features with some specific characteristics to work appropriately. it is a circle, inside a circle is one class, outside is another class). Error is a sum of bias error+variance error+ irreducible error in regression. Hence some classes might be present only in tarin sets or validation sets. Example – “Stress testing, a routine diagnostic tool used in detecting heart disease, results in a significant number of false positives in women”. Although it depends on the problem you are solving, but some general advantages are following: Receiver operating characteristics (ROC curve): ROC curve illustrates the diagnostic ability of a binary classifier. Eigenvalues are the magnitude of the linear transformation features along each direction of an Eigenvector. User-based collaborative filter and item-based recommendations are more personalised. Bias stands for the error because of the erroneous or overly simplistic assumptions in the learning algorithm . Then we use polling technique to combine all the predicted outcomes of the model. Gini Index is the measure of impurity of a particular node. Neural Networks requires processors which are capable of parallel processing. Questions and answers - MCQ with explanation on Computer Science subjects like System Architecture, Introduction to Management, Math For Computer Science, DBMS, C Programming, System Analysis and Design, Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis, OOP and Java, Client Server Application Development, Data Communication and Computer Networks, OS, MIS, Software Engineering, AI, Web Technology and … and the outputs are aggregated to give out of bag error. Accuracy works best if false positives and false negatives have a similar cost. An example of this would be a coin toss. Try it out using a pen and paper first. We will use variables right and prev_r denoting previous right to keep track of the jumps. She enjoys photography and football. We can relate Standard deviation and Variance because it is the square root of Variance. If the components are not rotated, then we need extended components to describe variance of the components. If the data is closely packed, then scaling post or pre-split should not make much difference. We can use a custom iterative sampling such that we continuously add samples to the train set. By doing so, it allows a better predictive performance compared to a single model. Answer: Option B Naive Bayes classifiers are a series of classification algorithms that are based on the Bayes theorem. There is no fixed machine design procedure for when the new machine element of the machine is being designed a number of options have to be considered. It is the number of independent values or quantities which can be assigned to a statistical distribution. Naive Bayes assumes conditional independence, P(X|Y, Z)=P(X|Z). Designing High-Fidelity Single-Shot Three-Qubit Gates: A Machine Learning Approach Ehsan Zahedinejad,1 Joydip Ghosh,1,2, and Barry C. Sanders1,3,4,5,6, y 1Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 2Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA 3Program in Quantum Information Science, … Factor Analysis is a model of the measurement of a latent variable. This latent variable cannot be measured with a single variable and is seen through a relationship it causes in a set of y variables. We assume that Y varies linearly with X while applying Linear regression. So we allow for a little bit of error on some points. Fourier transform is closely related to Fourier series. They are as follow: Yes, it is possible to test for the probability of improving model accuracy without cross-validation techniques. Increasing the number of epochs results in increasing the duration of training of the model. It implies that the value of the actual class is yes and the value of the predicted class is also yes. KNN is a Machine Learning algorithm known as a lazy learner. Explain the process.# Explain the phrase “Curse of Dimensionality”. We can assign weights to labels such that the minority class labels get larger weights. There should be no overlap of water saved. Machine Learning Foundations Machine Learning with PythonStatistics for Machine Learning Advanced Statistics for Machine Learning. This is to identify clusters in the dataset. Gaussian Naive Bayes: Because of the assumption of the normal distribution, Gaussian Naive Bayes is used in cases when all our features are continuous. Lasso(L1) and Ridge(L2) are the regularization techniques where we penalize the coefficients to find the optimum solution. SVM algorithms have basically advantages in terms of complexity. Ans. It allows us to easily identify the confusion between different classes. When the algorithm has limited flexibility to deduce the correct observation from the dataset, it results in bias. One is used for ranking and the other is used for regression. You can also work on projects to get a hands-on experience. If data shows non-linearity then, the bagging algorithm would do better. Before that, let us see the functions that Python as a language provides for arrays, also known as, lists. ML refers to systems that can assimilate from experience (training data) and Deep Learning (DL) states to systems that learn from experience on large data sets. Answer: Option C We assume that there exists a hyperplane separating negative and positive examples. Answer: Option D Recall is also known as sensitivity and the fraction of the total amount of relevant instances which  were actually retrieved. You will need to know statistical concepts, linear algebra, probability, Multivariate Calculus, Optimization. You have the basic SVM – hard margin. The array is defined as a collection of similar items, stored in a contiguous manner. This process is called feature engineering. Practice Test: Question Set - 03 1. Solution: We are given an array, where each element denotes the height of the block. If gamma is very small, the model is too constrained and cannot capture the complexity of the data. We can do so by running the ML model for say n number of iterations, recording the accuracy. (In short, Machines learn automatically without human hand holding!!!) append() – Adds an element at the end of the listcopy() – returns a copy of a list.reverse() – reverses the elements of the listsort() – sorts the elements in ascending order by default. Yes, it is possible to test for the probability of improving model accuracy without cross-validation techniques. Machine Learning for beginners will consist of the basic concepts such as types of Machine Learning (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement Learning). Arrays and Linked lists are both used to store linear data of similar types. Ans. Let us understand this better with the help of an example: This is the tricky part, during the process of deepcopy() a hashtable implemented as a dictionary in python is used to map: old_object reference onto new_object reference. For datasets with high variance, we could use the bagging algorithm to handle it. Although an understanding of the complete system is usually considered necessary for good design, leading theoretically to a top-down approach, most software projects attempt to make use of existing code to some degree. In simple words they are a set of procedures for solving new problems based on the solutions of already solved problems in the past which are similar to the current problem. Ans. Ensemble is a group of models that are used together for prediction both in classification and regression class. It takes any time-based pattern for input and calculates the overall cycle offset, rotation speed and strength for all possible cycles. 1. A chi-square determines if a sample data matches a population. Essentially, the new list consists of references to the elements of the older list. How are they stored in the memory? It has a lambda parameter which when set to 0 implies that this transform is equivalent to log-transform. This can be changed by making changes to classifier parameters. K-Means is Unsupervised Learning, where we don’t have any Labels present, in other words, no Target Variables and thus we try to cluster the data based upon their coordinates and try to establish the nature of the cluster based on the elements filtered for that cluster. Confusion Metric can be further interpreted with the following terms:-. The learning rate compensates or penalises the hyperplanes for making all the wrong moves and expansion rate deals with finding the maximum separation area between classes. Binomial Naive Bayes: It assumes that all our features are binary such that they take only two values. is the most intuitive performance measure and it is simply a ratio of correctly predicted observation to the total observations. Use machine learning algorithms to make a model, Use unknown dataset to check the accuracy of the model, Understand the business model: Try to understand the related attributes for the spam mail, Data acquisitions: Collect the spam mail to read the hidden pattern from them, Data cleaning: Clean the unstructured or semi structured data. In order to maintain the optimal amount of error, we perform a tradeoff between bias and variance based on the needs of a business. Know More, © 2020 Great Learning All rights reserved. Selection bias stands for the bias which was introduced by the selection of individuals, groups or data for doing analysis in a way that the proper randomization is not achieved. After fixing this problem we can shift the metric system to AUC: ROC. Enroll to Machine Learning Course For Free, Advantages of pursuing a career in Machine Learning, Enroll to Machine Learning Course for Free, Overfitting and Underfitting in Machine Learning, Python Interview Questions and Answers for 2021, NLP Interview Questions and Answers most commonly asked in 2021, Top 20 Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions for 2021 | AI Interview Questions, 100+ Data Science Interview Questions for 2021, Top 40 Hadoop Interview Questions You Should Prepare for 2021, 100+ SQL Interview Questions and Answers you must Prepare in 2021. Practice Test: Question Set - 22 1. 2. We need to increase the complexity of the model. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the domain of producing intelligent machines. For each bootstrap sample, there is one-third of data that was not used in the creation of the tree, i.e., it was out of the sample. Akaike Information Criteria (AIC): In simple terms, AIC estimates the relative amount of information lost by a given model. Confusion Matrix: In order to find out how well the model does in predicting the target variable, we use a confusion matrix/ classification rate. Plot all the accuracies and remove the 5% of low probability values. The model learns through observations and deduced structures in the data.Principal component Analysis, Factor analysis, Singular Value Decomposition etc. For evaluating the model performance in case of imbalanced data sets, we should use Sensitivity (True Positive rate) or Specificity (True Negative rate) to determine class label wise performance of the classification model. The manner in which data is presented to the system. Explain the phrase “Curse of Dimensionality”. Explain the terms Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML and Deep Learning? Machine Learning is a vast concept that contains a lot different aspects. By doing so, it allows a better predictive performance compared to a single model. Simply put, eigenvectors are directional entities along which linear transformation features like compression, flip etc. It scales linearly with the number of predictors and data points. If you don’t mess with kernels, it’s arguably the most simple type of linear classifier. Enhance the performance of machine learning models. Answer: Option B. State the differences between causality and correlation? 3. In case of random sampling of data, the data is divided into two parts without taking into consideration the balance classes in the train and test sets. This tutorial is divided into four parts; they are: 1. It is typically a symmetric distribution where most of the observations cluster around the central peak. Random forests are a collection of trees which work on sampled data from the original dataset with the final prediction being a voted average of all trees. ML algorithms can be primarily classified depending on the presence/absence of target variables. But often minorities are treated as noise and ignored. In the above case, fruits is a list that comprises of three fruits. Ans. Exploratory data analysis: Use statistical concepts to understand the data like spread, outlier, etc. It can learn from a sequence which is not complete as well. Prior probability is the percentage of dependent binary variables in the data set. Compute how much water can be trapped in between blocks after raining. Supervised learning: [Target is present]The machine learns using labelled data. LDA takes into account the distribution of classes. Popular dimensionality reduction algorithms are Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis.Principal Component Analysis creates one or more index variables from a larger set of measured variables. ● SVM is computationally cheaper O(N^2*K) where K is no of support vectors (support vectors are those points that lie on the class margin) where as logistic regression is O(N^3). While, data mining can be defined as the process in which the unstructured data tries to extract knowledge or unknown interesting patterns. 8. It is defined as cardinality of the largest set of points that the classification algorithm i.e. While in Stochastic Gradient Descent only one training sample is evaluated for the set of parameters identified. If contiguous blocks of memory are not available in the memory, then there is an overhead on the CPU to search for the most optimal contiguous location available for the requirement. It tracks the movement of the chosen data points, over a specified period of time and records the data points at regular intervals. Answer: Option B Apart from learning the basics of NLP, it is important to prepare specifically for the interviews. Then, even if a non-ideal algorithm is used, results come out to be accurate. Search. In the upcoming series of articles, we shall start from the basics of concepts and build upon these concepts to solve major interview questions. Through these assumptions, we constrain our hypothesis space and also get the capability to incrementally test and improve on the data using hyper-parameters. Normalisation adjusts the data; regularisation adjusts the prediction function. Artificial Intelligence MCQ question is the important chapter for … We have compiled a list of the frequently asked deep leaning interview questions to help you prepare. If you have categorical variables as the target when you cluster them together or perform a frequency count on them if there are certain categories which are more in number as compared to others by a very significant number. By weak classifier, we imply a classifier which performs poorly on a given data set. Some types of learning describe whole subfields of study comprised of many different types of algorithms such as “supervised learning.” Others describe powerful techniques that you can use on your projects, such as “transfer learning.” There are perhaps 14 types of learning that you must be familiar wit… Naïve Bayes algorithm is a supervised learning algorithm, which is based on Bayes theorem and used for solving classification problems. It implies that the value of the actual class is no and the value of the predicted class is also no. Bootstrap Aggregation or bagging is a method that is used to reduce the variance for algorithms having very high variance. L1 regularization: It is more binary/sparse, with many variables either being assigned a 1 or 0 in weighting. A neural network has parallel processing ability and distributed memory. In Type I error, a hypothesis which ought to be accepted doesn’t get accepted. There are other techniques as well –Cluster-Based Over Sampling – In this case, the K-means clustering algorithm is independently applied to minority and majority class instances. In decision trees, overfitting occurs when the tree is designed to perfectly fit all samples in the training data set. Probability is the measure of the likelihood that an event will occur that is, what is the certainty that a specific event will occur? imbalanced. Machine learning algorithms always require structured data and deep learning networks rely on layers of artificial neural networks. Ans. It involves a hierarchical structure of networks that set up a process to help machines learn the human logics behind any action. In ridge, the penalty function is defined by the sum of the squares of the coefficients and for the Lasso, we penalize the sum of the absolute values of the coefficients. So, there is no certain metric to decide which algorithm to be used for a given situation or a data set. This  assumption can lead to the model underfitting the data, making it hard for it to have high predictive accuracy and for you to generalize your knowledge from the training set to the test set. How can we relate standard deviation and variance? Some of the common ways would be through taking up a Machine Learning Course, watching YouTube videos, reading blogs with relevant topics, read books which can help you self-learn. Variance is also an error because of  too much complexity in the learning algorithm. Now that we know what arrays are, we shall understand them in detail by solving some interview questions. With the remaining 95% confidence, we can say that the model can go as low or as high [as mentioned within cut off points]. Ans. The next step would be to take up a ML course, or read the top books for self-learning. Ans. L2 corresponds to a Gaussian prior. Prone to overfitting but you can use pruning or Random forests to avoid that. The quality of the model to stall just like the vanishing gradient problem regression line with respect to in. The denominator of the erroneous or overly simplistic assumptions in the first Index is the square root variance... Collection of similar items, stored in data science reuse high degree of coding ] the machine using. Results will lose bias but gain some variance of parallel processing more than just fitting a line. Does not occur in the same class creates the quality of the predicted class no! Equivalent to a single model decision so it gains power by repeating.... 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